Curious is the best way to describe Max. It’s this curiosity that leads him down each new woodworking project, every conversation with a stranger, and initially, what lead him into photography. 

He started out as the kid shooting behind-the-scene stills on television sets while studying Communications in Montreal, going on to earn an MFA in photography in Paris to further hone his craft and experience what life with really, really good croissants is like. From here he went on to live and work in London, Montreal and New York, settling in Toronto. With over 10 years now under his belt, Max has become an experienced, award-winning Photographer and Director.

The ability to capture a single moment or feeling, and skill at translating a very real version of this to film has allowed him to work with some amazing clients, such as the NFL, Nationwide Insurance, Molson, Kubota, Apple, Movember, and The Sundance Film Festival, as well as some really amazing people (ask him about the time John Lithgow took his portrait). It’s this curiosity - to meet, teach, and work with new people, travel to new places, and photograph new subjects - that will always be the driving force behind his work. 



Found Artists

Select Clients & Publications:

Adidas//American Apparel//Apple//Barron’s Magazine//Bell Media//Boppy US//Canadian Organization for Rare Diseases//Capital Group US//CBC//Chatelaine Magazine//CityTV//Coors//Costco //Crave//CTV//C2 MTL//Danone//The Debbie Travis Group//Discovery Channel//EDC//ELLE Canada//Enfamil US//FASHION Magazine//Food Network//Globe and Mail//GoAuto//Greenhouse Juice Co.//Harper Collins//Hello Magazine//Kubota//Lysol//Maclean’s Magazine//Maison Birks//Marcelle Cosmetics//The Marilyn Denis Show//Mazda//Molson//Movember Foundation//National Geographic//National Post//Nationwide Insurance US//Netflix//NFL//Ontario Medial Association//Penguin Random House//PepsiCo//Princess Margaret Hospital//RBC//Reader's Digest//Report on Business//RUDSAK//Ryerson University//SEARS Canada//SID LEE//Sundance Film Festival//Straight Talk Wireless//SYSCO Foods//Tristan//WOW! Internet